Saturday, August 1, 2020

The third ... no the 100th ... time is a charm!

... AND ... It's back to the drawing board again. Yes it's true. But it's never back to square one, because there is always much that can be learned from successive failures that mean we don't have to start again at square one. Maybe this time we can start at square 6, or 600.

Much has been learned, and I've nearly come to tears (perish the thought!) of frustration and disappointment as each new approach has proven too difficult for my poor coding talents. Huh!

So, as attractive as the idea of an app has been, I have decided to go back to the web, at least for the time being. Lucky me, pack-rat that I am, that I had squirreled (mixed metaphors anyone?) away a previous, well-developed attempt at a website for the game from about 12 years ago.

Much has changed on the web since then, both PHP and MySQL, the technologies I used to develop the site, have morphed into something that breaks much of the code that I hand-crafted to make the site.

But I have been working on bringing the site back up for the last few days, and am hopeful that this is the approach that will take me to 'the next level'.

I'm going to need some help, so am looking for a PHP developer to mentor me in the harder stuff, but for the moment I am surging ahead slowly.

On another front, my friend Dennis Crow of has submitted his first Android app to the Google Play store. Waiting to see whether it gets approved or not. We've both put a lot of effort into this, so it's exciting to have reached this point.

Until next time ...

Success Now - You deserve it!

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Back on track ...

  Get back on track! It's been a tough month. All sorts of things going wrong and getting in the way of forward movement on the game. Bu...