Sunday, August 16, 2020

Something to show ...

 I ask myself sometimes, "What do I have to show for all the hours, years, I've spent on this project?"

And the answer depends somewhat on my mood at the time. For this moment, the answer is ...

I have made some progress in developing the new web app, but still many miles to go. It is often painfully frustrating the pace at which this is progressing, and I constantly re-evaluate whether I should be delegating this piece or that and if so, when. 

But I'm a stubborn cuss, and want to do as much as I can myself. Partly because as I work on it, little enhancements keep coming up (scope creep they say), that I might miss if I just handed it off to a developer. And I love/hate the actual coding :{)

So for now, keep on trucking.

I had hoped to hand some of it off this week, before I start a 2-week contract for my former employer. But alas ...

Still, I think I will end up putting time into the project regardless, because it has become my passion, my obsession even. ONWARD - TO SUCCESS & BEYOND!

BTW, the POC is up on my website at Much of it doesn't work, but if you want to follow along and get a sense of what it will be, check it out here.

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