Sunday, June 7, 2020

Onward and upward - through the rain and the snow etc.

One of the clearest memories from my childhood was my mother reading a particular poem to me, Excelsior by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Here are the first few lines.

The shades of night were falling fast,
As through an Alpine village passed
A youth, who bore, 'mid snow and ice,
A banner with the strange device,

Somehow, quite unconsciously, I think that poem had a profound effect on my approach to life. It was a lesson about not giving up, keeping on, persevering.

It's been a stressful week, trying to get things done and running into obstacles, potholes, walls, ravines and whole damn Abysses.

But I've learned in my life to just keep at it, find a way around it, over it, beneath it, whatever it takes.

Work on the game is progressing, slower than I'd like, but new target date for Alpha release is June 15th. Starting to put together a list of Alpha and Beta testers. Even if you read this way later than when it was written, since we will always be in development for the next level, we will always need Alpha and Beta testers. Just contact me through the form in the right column of the site.


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